Sound healing is the science of applying sound and frequencies, to parts or all of the body, in order to effect change, and return body, mind and soul to a state of wholeness, balance and harmony.
Sound is the invisible healer.
It works whether we fight it or allow it, know it, believe it, or not.
Sound reaches into the cells, heals without leaving a scar, dissolving blocked energy, transforming, realigning and restoring, in ways we may not have even yet considered.
Used therapeutically, sound creates the optimum environment for healing to occur; altering brainwaves, calming the nervous system, alleviating stress, circulating energy, and harmonising organs and body systems.
Sound and music is used in alternative and integrative medicine, to assist with trauma, depression, pain management, for relaxation, and an increasing number of conditions as the modality is recognised for its healing properties.
Sound healing instruments such as crystal singing bowls or Tibetan bowls, resonate cells and molecules within the body, shattering blockages, giving the body what it needs to retune itself, while missing frequencies may be 'replaced,' reminding the cells of their optimum state, and enabling them to restore their optimum function and health
As a graduate of the College of Sound Healing I offer individual and group sound healing sessions with crystal signing bowls and Tibetan bowls.
Being a sound healer practitioner is a truly rewarding experience for me and I absolutely love what I am doing. I have a chance to observe a beautiful and profound transformation of a client and his overall well being from session to session.
If you’d like to experience a magical power of sound healing, please get in touch with me.
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